"It is actually more convenient to do the meeting today, as we were having
some logistics challenges for tomorrow. My aide is making changes to our
schedule so we are freed up until…” there was some muffled conversation on the
line, “until twenty-one hundred tonight.”
Okay, I thought to myself, twenty-one minus two is nineteen, minus ten means
nine o’…
“You’re subtracting in your head again, aren’t you?” Bas snarked in my ear.
“Nine PM, Babe,” he added condescendingly.
“Bas-hole,” I snipped back under my breath. But he was right, there was
something about military time that always had me subtracting numbers in my
brain. At least he hadn’t caught me counting on my fingers, I’d never live that
Bas leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to the hair above my temple, “Love you
too, Loser,” he teased, then scooted his chair away from the table and stood
My face was cupped in two large hands and drawn upward to meet his lips in a
warm, ravenous, sucking kiss that melted me into boneless mush. “I love you,”
he said brushing another softer kiss over my mouth. He was gone before I could
function enough to form a response. I was left standing in the dining room,
with my lips half-parted and tingling. The taste of David and lust flavoring my
mouth. Wow, the man had mad oral skills.
"Earth to Teresa,” Red said as he brushed a shoulder against my
leg. “Geez, the goofy look on your face is embarrassing. Snap out of it
already, where’s your pride woman!”
In one of the tests we had done for the police department, Gil put Red
head-to-head with an experienced tracking K-9, Bruno. For most of the tests it
was pretty even, Bruno even did better on many of the speed tests due to his
experience, and Red’s tendency to get sidetracked by wanting to know details: Why are they using deer scent instead of
rabbit or cow? Why should I scent-track when I can follow Gil’s big-ass, size
fourteen shoe prints?
“Falling in love with you is the easiest
thing I’ve ever done, David. Waking up beside you every morning, makes me
happier than I have ever been in my life. There are times I wake up in the
middle of the night and simply enjoy the sound of your breathing.”
He nuzzled my neck, and teased, “Next
time, wake me up, then you can enjoy the sound of me breathing really, really
Bas snickered, “He acted like it was a great love affair.”
Now it
was my turn to snicker, “He was no one special in my life. Lighten up, guys,
it’s not as if my heart was broken.”
“What’s broken?” Ken asked as he walked through the room toward the kitchen,
obviously having missed the whole conversation. “Shall I grab a roll of duct
“Duct tape can’t fix stupid,” Bas growled.
not,” Red replied, “but it can hold it down and muffle the screams.”
“Gil, do dogs see better than humans?” I
“I’ll have to give you one of my no, but
yes, answers,” He chuckled. “First off, I’m sure you already know that dogs are
color blind.”
“They see in black and white?” Lt. Osborn
“No,” Gil corrected. “Dogs are color
blind, like people are color blind. They can’t see in shades of red or green.
Most of what they see is in muted shades of yellow and blue. If you were to
look up color blind on the internet, you’d see dogs have a very limited color
spectrum. Secondly, dogs don’t have the same visual acuity that humans have –
maybe only thirty or thirty-five percent. I’d have to look it up to be sure.”
“So, you’re saying, compared to people,
dogs are near-sighted?” Bas asked.
“Yep, pretty much. On the flip side, they
have better eyesight than humans in dim light, so I would venture to say their
night vision is a superior. They also detect movement better than people, so
they would be faster to see something camouflaged than you or I would.”
am a noble nocturnal hunter,” Red said with pride. “All the better to lay my trap for unwary cats.”
“I’ll need a gown that’s appropriate for
the ball. Something long and sparkly, I think. Christmasy and a little sexy.”
Bas leaned over and placed a chaste kiss
on the crown of my head. “You got it, Loser. Christmasy. Glittery. Slit to the navel.”
“Sexy, not slutty,” David corrected with a
soft laugh. “You’ll have to be seen with her too, Bas. I’m sure you can imagine
how she’d embarrass you if you tried to dress her like the Ho Ho Ho Hooker.”
HE FELL IN LOVE WITH TERESA FOM A PHOTO (asterisks show different sections of
the same scene, but paragraphs in book are not connected)

He drew away from my mouth, but his breath
was still close enough to scorch my lips. “That same day we met, when I pinned
you up against the car door and asked for a date? I shocked the hell out of
myself. I’m never that forward. We had only really known each other for what? Three
hours?” He didn’t wait for a reply to his, obviously rhetorical question. “I
couldn’t wait to see you again- I had already waited years to meet you. I
wanted to know everything about you that Bas hadn’t already told me. I wanted
to just stare at your face and listen to the sound of your voice. Geez, Teresa;
thirty-nine years old, and I was smitten.”
“I won’t lose you, Love.” His voice became
serious and filled with quiet certainty, “There is no place you could ever be
that I couldn’t get to you. If you were lost, I would move heaven and hell to
find you.”
The Devil, formerly known as David,
chuckled. “Are you ready, Lover? Your world is about to be rocked, rolled,
ravished, and utterly ruined,” he promised. “Before I’m done, you will be
hoarse from screaming my name, and boneless from orgasms.” He slowly lowered
his naked weight over me until I was pressed into the bed. “And, if either of
us can walk a straight line in the morning, no one will be more surprised than
me, because I plan to be buried balls-deep in you for the rest of the night.”
Nice to know he respected me enough to assume he wouldn’t be able to walk either, I thought with some satisfaction.
Nice to know he respected me enough to assume he wouldn’t be able to walk either, I thought with some satisfaction.
He reached over and pulled me fully on top
of his chest, so he could see my face. His hands were gentle as he stroked the
wisps of hair from my face, before he framed my jaw. His thumbs brushed softly
over the contours of my mouth. “You may not have your eyesight, but I feel as
if you see farther inside of me than anyone has ever tried to see before, Teresa. You don’t treat me like a pretty face,
or a large bank balance - you have reached into my soul and you have burrowed
into a space next to my heart… Damn, woman, there are times I think you’ve become my heart.”
Tears threatened to flood my eyes and
trail down my cheeks. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this man, but I
knew I would hold onto him with everything in me.
He whispered into my ear, “I don’t just
love you, I am hopelessly, and hopefully, in love with you.” His finger traced
a tear trail (oops, I guess one got away) and by his movement, he lifted it to
his lips to taste me. “You accept the good and the bad of me, no hesitation or
assumptions.” Those beautiful, tender hands swept over my cheeks and speared
into my hair to cradle my head. Two soft kisses, one to each blind eye, and a
third to my forehead. “You make me feel valued; and in turn, you make me strive
harder to be a better man, worthy of your respect and your love. You are the
most important thing that has ever happened to me, and I want you to know that
I will do anything and everything, to make sure I’m lying in this bed, next to
you, fifty years from now.”
“So, you’re telling me there are chickens
in the library, and you checked out three of them?” Janey asked with a laugh.
“If I was checking out anything at the library, it would be that hottie in the
reference section. Damn, Teresa, librarians shouldn’t be built like the guy at
the Help Desk.”
“It should have been ‘three women
gossiping,” Ken growled, with an exasperated sigh. “Although, there are
pretty sure that was the ASL sign for ‘chickens’,” Red mentioned to me,
from his spot on the floor.
“Oww,” Ken whined, at Janey, “that hurt.
When did you learn to throw a punch?”
“Well, duh. Big brother is a
weight-lifting, ex-sailor, who teaches boxing and some karate thing…”
“Ju-jitsu,” I interjected, helpfully.
“Yeah, what she said… at the Y. You think
Bas really wouldn’t have shown me how to defend myself?”
“I’m pretty sure punching me in the arm is
offense, not defense,” Ken protested. “But damn, woman, you’re all about the
sexy when you’re all fist-fighty and in my face, like a cute little bantam
“You’ll note,” I said, drolly to Red,
whose head now rested on my knee, “that he’s managed to circle around to
another chicken reference?”
My German shepherd, just snorted. Some
things were just not worth the effort mind-speak about.
me tell you, hearing the mental ramblings of a one year old German shepherd is
like listening to the unfiltered opinions of a preteen.
feel like the leader in a parade of lemmings.”
About the Author
T. writes
two concurrent versions of the Team Red series for both the Adult and New Adult
audiences. Blind Seduction and Color Blind are part of the Blind series -
featuring adult-themed erotic romance combined with a humorous paranormal
storyline. The Red series featuring Red Rover and Red Zone (release date Aug
23rd) is a funny paranormal romance series with a lighter PG13 type storyline.
While both series contain the same character names and a lot of shared
dialogue, the Red series is stripped of sexual content and language.
T feels
that writing is not a calling so much as it is a compulsion. No one is more
surprised than she is when characters take over the plot and dialog, and
(re)direct stories in directions she had not (consciously) intended. She is
fully convinced that the writer is the tool a story uses to tell its tale. Some
tools, of course, are more appropriate for the job than others. Here's hoping,
you feel she did her stories proud.
T. has a
Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Management from Whitworth University, and a
Master's Degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University and before
becoming a writer she was a bookkeeper, technical/manual writer, Call Center
Manager and the owner of a freshwater aquarium store, Guppy Tales.
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